What level of Lindy Hop course should I apply for? Our graphic signpost HERE will help you.
The 60+ level is intended for all those who do not want to progress too quickly in the lessons, prefer the joy of dancing to the complexity of the figures, i.e. not only for the older ones, as it might seem from the course name. In the lessons you will learn the basics of Lindy-Hop in the simplest form so that you can dance together on the swing dance floor without any problems. A substantial part of the course is devoted to lead & follow, so that you can dance both roles and work well together. Couples and singles are welcome on the courses.
This Lindy Hop course is designed for complete beginners who have no or minimal experience with swing. The Zig-Zag studio methodology is based on lead and follow, i.e. that we emphasize leadership technique. Throughout the semester we cover all the basic themes (6-count, 8-count, charleston) and classical pieces. We are working with simpler variants at first, which we are gradually expanding. The themes overlap throughout the year, so they are not closed units.
The course is intended for those who have danced with us for at least one semester, but also for those who started earlier and feel that they would not “keep up” in the INTERMEDIATE level, or need a more thorough practice of the material discussed. In the Lindy Hop B/I course, we’ll delve more into the ins and outs of couple dancing, working on figures and elements such as the swing out, basic six-count, triple step and flying charleston, which you should already know a bit about, but it’s okay if you don’t know them perfectly yet. We’ll also talk about what musicality is and how you can use it.
The course is intended for those who have danced with us for at least two semesters of the BEGINNER course or the BEG/INT course and is therefore intended for people who have had at least one year of lessons. 8-count and triple step should be a given for you. You should know how to swing out, basic turns (inside, outside, tuck turn) and flying charleston.
Don’t be afraid to take this Lindy Hop course more than once, the methodology is done in such a way that you won’t get bored.
We expect at least 2 years of dance experience. This course is still in the format you are used to from the lower levels. We put more emphasis on technique, and prepare students for the next ADV level, where they already work differently. More complex figures will be made on which to develop your previously acquired skills. A basic knowledge of swing musicianship is assumed, everyone should be able to dance to faster music, listen to what is being played while dancing, and start or end correctly to the music. Contrast in dance (relaxation, strengthening, acceleration, deceleration) will be worked on. The goal is to maintain fluidity in the dance and smoothly transition from dynamic to relaxed figures. We expect students at this level to have a deeper interest in Lindy Hop and swing culture, so we will stick to mastering the material covered in class.
The course is intended for those who have already mastered the material of all previous courses without any problems and want to study Lindy Hop more thoroughly. Emphasis is placed on lead and follow as well as the ability to improvise during “social dancing”. The course assumes a good mastery of “jazz steps”. We will also touch on the basics of music theory necessary to understand swing music structure. Students are encouraged to create their own style of dance that they feel comfortable with. 27.6.
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