Lets move to California and learn how they have danced Balboa back in the days – a dance that will enchant you with its elegance and lightness. With Balboa, you can handle fast and slow tempos and even a crowded dance floor. On the crowded dance floors, among other things, Balboa was created.
Anyone who has taken at least one year of another swing dance (Lindy Hop or Shag) and knows lead and follow is welcome to attend. If you’re completely new to the world of swing, we recommend the first course to take is the Linda Hop BEG.
This course is a continuation of our BALBOA BEGINNER course and is designed for people who have had at least one year of regular Balboa lessons. You should already know the basics of bal-swing (toss out/throw out, lollies and twists) and pure-bal (uphold basic, travel, paddle, crab) and you should be able to alternate between the two styles in dance.
In this course, you can look forward to more complex figures and variations, and we will also speed up and play with the music in more detail.
If you don’t feel up to advancing to a higher level, feel free to take this course more than once.
The course is a continuation of the BALBOA INTERMEDIATE lessons and is therefore intended for those who have had at least 2 years of Balboa lessons and can handle higher tempos with ease. Your repertoire of basic figures is complete and you have no problem re-shaping and interconnecting figures. If you have any questions about the level, please contact Míša or Štěpán J.
In the lessons we will delve into more sophisticated movements, sequences, figures and styling. We will also be looking more often at the nuances of lead&follow and musicality.
If you don’t feel up to advancing to a higher level, feel free to take this course more than once.
Do you playfully ballroom dance the whole evening and the variety of tempos is not a problem for you? You mean balboa day and night? Then you’ll be a fish in California water.
Don’t expect a lot of new figures, we’re going for quality rather than quantity and we’ll try to get you out of your comfort zone to open up new avenues for you. Technique, detail, drill! And some of that heart, of course. Although we hope you have a love of dancing and balboa by now.
This course builds on our previous BEG-INT-I/A courses, so you should have completed at least three years of courses. There will be an AUDITION for this level at the beginning of the course, details will be available during August. If you have any questions about the level, please contact Míša or Štěpán J.
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